Citrus fruits for dogs?

Lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit and pomelo smell pleasantly refreshing to us and we associate them with a healthy vitamin content. Most dogs, on the other hand, find the smell of citrus fruits too intense and instinctively avoid them. Although citrus fruits are not on the list of poisonous foods for dogs, a little caution is still required. Although they contain a lot of vitamins, when it comes to our furry friends, the disadvantages of the fruit unfortunately outweigh the benefits.

Vitamins, yes please - Acid, no thanks

Lemons and limes in particular have a very high acid content, which can quickly lead to over-acidity in a sensitive dog's stomach. In the worst case, nausea, diarrhoea, symptoms of poisoning or damage to the stomach lining are the result. In addition, the peels have an unhealthy content of essential oils for dogs. The seeds can also irritate the gastrointestinal tract.

If you are looking for extra vitamins for your pet, there are far more suitable options than citrus fruits. For example, our herb mixtures are a healthy and easily digestible option for a vitamin boost in the food bowl.


My dog likes tangerines

While most dogs avoid citrus fruits in the first place, some seem to be enthusiastic about them. Here is the good news: The amount is what counts. Tangerines in particular have a comparatively low acid content. This makes them slightly more tolerable for a dogs' stomach than other citrus fruits. So if your pet does not suffer from stomach problems and gets a small tangerine wedge for a change, it will be fine in most cases. Although the acidity of oranges would be similar to that of tangerines, they have a much higher sugar content, which in turn makes them less healthy for your pets. 

So are dogs allowed to eat citrus fruits?

Yes. If you are talking about the pure flesh of the fruit, preferably without seeds and peel, then you can let your pet taste a citrus fruit. Be prepared for increased salivation as a reaction to the unfamiliar fruit. The only condition is that it remains a small bite. There is nothing to be said against the vitamins, minerals and fibre they contain. As long as the tasting is the exception and the dog's organism is not unnecessarily burdened with too much citric acid, essential oils and sugar. 

Great care must be taken with pure citric acid, which can be found in many households in liquid or powder form both in the kitchen and among the cleaning agents. If your pet ever gets the idea of tasting it, you should seek veterinary help as soon as possible.